Posts Tagged commercial marquee purchase

Buying a marquee has never been easier

IY Marquees commercial marquees for sale have useful information in there website which they are happy to share with anyone who is owns or wants to buy a marquee. I found this interesting article and decided to share it.

How to look after marquee linings!

Marquee linings give a real wow factor to any marquee but they do need looking after. This means keeping them clean and as crease-free as possible.

Please note this advice is for the luxury marquee linings that we (and one or two others) manufacture here in the UK. It is not suitable for the cheap satin linings made in the far east (no UK manufacturer uses satin material).

How do I know if my linings are luxury or satin? Satin material is white/silver, very shiny and prone to wrinkling. Luxury lining material is usually (but not exclusively) ivory/cream with a matt finish.

Tips on looking after marquee linings:

  • Keep them dry. Just like marquee covers if you put linings away wet they will reappear mouldy.
  • The ideal way to store linings is neatly folded – that’s how we (and by we I mean the ladies here who are far better at this than the rest of us) store our linings here. However on site folding isn’t practical so the next best is to concertina the material and then roll it up. The last thing you want to be doing is scrunching up a lining to fit in to a bag or something. Luxury lining material is not as prone to creases as satin but if left for a long time scrunched up they will form.
  • Make sure your hands are clean before starting to play with any lining.
  • Keep the linings clean – if they’re dirty after a job put them to one side for cleaning.
  • Our linings can be washed in a normal domestic washing machine, they are inherently flame retardant so can be washed any number of times.
  • Stubborn mildew may need bleaching first (and then washed thoroughly)
  • Putting the linings up when they’re damp (ie straight out of the washing machine) means they dry in place and you don’t have any creases at all.
  • If you do have lots of creases in your lining then a steamer will get them out ( can take a while though!)
  • Have set bags for your linings, ideally ones that are colour coded – there is nothing worse than being at a job and finding you’ve packed the wrong size roof lining!
  • Most of the time dirt on linings comes from dirty hands when fitting, a dirty floor or in transport if not properly protected. Being thorough at these times will give your marquee a better standard of finish and avoid you being tied up regularly cleaning linings .

We have been manufacturing marquee linings for over 20 years from party marquees to commercial marquees, if you need any advice on linings (whether for our marquees or not) we are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

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