Archive for August, 2018

Creative design and high-quality construction lead to better buildings

Winston Churchill is referenced with the quote “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”

Churchill didn’t know it at the time, in 1943 when he made this statement, but he would go on to prove this statement to be irresolutely true, however for all the wrong reasons. When rebuilding the bombed-out House of Commons, Churchill insisted that despite the fact that the old building was too small for the modern needs of its occupants, that the building be erected in precisely that same place with the exact dimensions in which it had previously been structured. The reason being that he felt that the overcrowding would create a sense of urgency which would in turn motivate the politicians to higher levels of productivity. He couldn’t have been more mistaken in that case, however, at the same time, he couldn’t have been more correct. The building did shape the politicians! Just not in the way that he had intended.

Since the beginning of humanity, we have had the indispensable need for shelter. Shelter has provided human beings with safety, warmth, space to home their families and protection from the great outdoors. Human beings have always required a space to keep them and their families safe from the threats of predators on the outside as well as from the elements. Stemming from there humans, have taken time out of their busy lives, to ensure that they have a safe place that is theirs and theirs alone. Further to this, humans have developed a necessity of finding a place to house and keep safe their goods for sale or exchange, stock that they could sell or use to procure what they needed to sustain their families and get a varied of goods that they themselves may not have had the skill or ability to produce or grow themselves.

From humble beginnings, homes and businesses have grown to be more than just places to store people and goods which are precious. Homes and places of business have become more than just the structures or shapes that they have been styled into. Buildings have come to represent who we are, who we have been and where we are going.

dblo architect studio recognises that the buildings that we shape, in turn shape us. With that kind of intensity of outcome for both function and form, whether it is your home or your workplace, we understand the effect that the building will have on your life. Going above and beyond the ability to merely protect you and your loved ones, your home is the ultimate representational display of your being.  With that in mind, it is every aspect of design that becomes the focus point of your build, new or renovated, residential or commercial, community or public. Design is the tool that we use to ensure that every aspect of the building is utilised to its fullest potential and that creative design and high-quality construction enhances the environment and the community giving a sense of place and responsibility.

Speak to dblo Associates about how they can assist with your architectural extensions London and residential refurbishments London

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What is absenteeism costing your company?

Would it surprise you to know that the average cost of employee absence from work result to an equivalent of 35% of your employee’s salaries? The net cost of absenteeism in terms of productivity is 19%, according to a study conducted by MERCER. Statistics South Africa estimates that the cost of absenteeism amounts to roughly 12 billion rand per year. In a market that is taking particular strain under the current economic conditions, high rates of absenteeism can cost your company financially as well as through lowered productivity, be it a small company, medium business or a large corporate organisation. While the cost of absenteeism and the corresponding loss of production can be quantified, the issue around how to manage leave and absenteeism within your company is less measureable. With the inevitable split between HR departments and systems and those of payroll, within many organisations, calculating the cost of leave management is an area which is particularly affected as a result.

Leave Management is typically an HR function. Systems need to be put in place so that employee’s absenteeism can be correctly accounted for, accurately managed and effectively monitored. Your human element in your company does not easily align itself to systems and procedures. Humans are more erratic and incidents will happen on a daily basis which will affect the running of your business as a result of absence from work and loss of productivity. HR are the eyes and ears of the business, looking for signs of habitual leave takers and leave abuse but the actual stats of the cost of this will come from your payroll Department or system. Companies with an interest in effectively managing the leave processes will be impressed to finally find a way to perform all of the functions required to manage staff leave, in one united and coherent system.

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